Jake and Jonathan

60: Life Lessons Learned (2018)

Episode Summary

Strap in for the end of the year extravaganza! The episode, appropriately, starts off with favorite breakfast sandwiches of 🥪 Jake and Jonathan would love for you to invite them to your country and show them around! 🌍Should designers make a good personal website in today’s social-first world? No! Or.. maybe yes. Although… 🤔 Jake and Jonathan share some painful lessons they’ve learned this year. 😬 Finally, the episode ends on a high note with a story from Jake. 🏀 **Links:** [Nintendo Switch™](https://www.nintendo.com/switch/) [Mario Kart™ 8](https://mariokart8.nintendo.com/) [PBC #49: MONA PATEL on Starting and Growing a Multi Million Dollar Design Agency](https://medium.com/p/b7b78b26250a?source=your_stories_page---------------------------) [PBC #X: Jason Fried gives us SAVAGE Product Advice](https://medium.com/p/316df7c11c93?source=your_stories_page---------------------------) [Become A Facebook-Free Business—DHH—Signal v. Noise](https://m.signalvnoise.com/become-a-facebook-free-business-5bfefc20c09d) [Room of Requirement](http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Room_of_Requirement) [Chloe’s Cafe](https://www.yelp.com/biz/chloes-cafe-san-francisco) [KRONE — kitchen & coffee (Berlin)](http://www.krone-berlin.com/) [Bonanza Coffee (Berlin)](https://bonanzacoffee.de/wordpress/) [Tove Jansson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tove_Jansson) [Kevin Rose ⛩ (@kevinrose) · Twitter](https://twitter.com/kevinrose) [Dirty T](https://www.instagram.com/timhoefer/) [Chris Do](https://www.thefutur.com/the-futurists/chris-do/) [jonathancourtneyux.com](http://jonathancourtneyux.com) [uxmessiah.com](http://uxmessiah.com/) [conversionmessiah.com](http://conversionmessiah.com/) [Andrew Kim (@mnmllymnml)—Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/mnmllymnml) [Ray Dalio: A Meaningful Life | The James Altucher Show, Ep. 290](https://jamesaltucher.com/podcast/ray-dalio-principles-for-investing-in-meaningful-life/) [**Book:** Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio](https://www.amazon.com/Principles-Life-Work-Ray-Dalio/dp/1501124021/) [331 Ryan Holiday — Behind the Conspiracy— James Altucher](https://jamesaltucher.com/podcast/ryan-holiday-331/) [**Book:** Atomic Habits by James Clear](https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-James-Clear/dp/1847941834) [**Book:** Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott](https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Candor-KIM-SCOTT/dp/1509845380/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1545606877&sr=8-1) [Form: Growth consultancy for creative and tech businesses](https://www.form.studio/) [**Book:** Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl](https://www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/080701429X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545607029&sr=8-1&keywords=-+Man+search+for+meaning) [**Book:** Ready Player One: A Novel by Ernest Cline](https://www.amazon.com/Ready-Player-One-Ernest-Cline/dp/0307887448/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1545607066&sr=8-3&keywords=ready+player+one) Send Jake a message: [hey@jakeknapp.com](mailto:hey@jakeknapp.com) **Omnipresent Links:** [Buy Sprint!](https://www.thesprintbook.com/buy/) 📘 [Buy Make Time!](https://maketimebook.com/buy/) 📗 [**AJ&Smart + Jake Knapp Official Design Sprint Masterclass**:](https://ajsmart.com/masterclass)[ajsmart.com/masterclass](https://ajsmart.com/masterclass) 👀 **Your Hosts:** * Follow Jake Knapp on Twitter: [@jakek](https://twitter.com/jakek) * Follow Jonathan Courtney on Instagram or Twitter: [@jicecream](https://www.instagram.com/jicecream/) * Write into the podcast: [pbc@ajsmart.com](mailto:pbc@ajsmart.com) * Podcast editing by Jason Sanderson: [PodcastTech.com](https://PodcastTech.com) * Show notes by Amr Khalifeh. IG: [@amrkhalifeh](https://www.instagram.com/amrkhalifeh/) * [Follow the podcast on Medium](https://medium.com/product-breakfast-club-links-unofficial)

Episode Notes

Strap in for the end of the year extravaganza! The episode, appropriately, starts off with favorite breakfast sandwiches of
🥪 Jake and Jonathan would love for you to invite them to your country and show them around! 🌍Should designers make a good personal website in today’s social-first world? No! Or.. maybe yes. Although… 🤔 Jake and Jonathan share some painful lessons they’ve learned this year. 😬 Finally, the episode ends on a high note with a story from Jake. 🏀


Nintendo Switch™

Mario Kart™ 8

PBC #49: MONA PATEL on Starting and Growing a Multi Million Dollar Design Agency

PBC #X: Jason Fried gives us SAVAGE Product Advice

Become A Facebook-Free Business—DHH—Signal v. Noise

Room of Requirement

Chloe’s Cafe

KRONE — kitchen & coffee (Berlin)

Bonanza Coffee (Berlin)

Tove Jansson

Kevin Rose ⛩ (@kevinrose) · Twitter

Dirty T

Chris Do




Andrew Kim (@mnmllymnml)—Instagram

Ray Dalio: A Meaningful Life | The James Altucher Show, Ep. 290

Book: Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio

331 Ryan Holiday — Behind the Conspiracy— James Altucher

Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Book: Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott

Form: Growth consultancy for creative and tech businesses

Book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Book: Ready Player One: A Novel by Ernest Cline

Send Jake a message: hey@jakeknapp.com

Omnipresent Links:

Buy Sprint! 📘

Buy Make Time! 📗

AJ&Smart + Jake Knapp Official Design Sprint Masterclass:ajsmart.com/masterclass 👀

Your Hosts: