Jake and Jonathan

109: The BEST of EVERYTHING 2019

Episode Summary

You have a problem in your mouth. Jonathan’s wife hurt her tail in a fight. Jake’s cat is high on drugs and walking backwards. Show notes: https://productbreakfastclub.simplecast.com

Episode Notes

You have a problem in your mouth. Jonathan’s wife hurt her tail in a fight. Jake’s cat is high on drugs and walking backwards.


Best Fiction Books

  1. The Hobbit
  2. Ancillary Justice
  3. 11/22/63
  4. The Fifth Season
  5. The Fifth Science
  6. Recursion
  7. The Body
  8. The Cabin at the End of the World
  9. I Am Legend

Best Non-Fiction Books

  1. The Ends of the World
  2. Superintelligence
  3. Ego Is The Enemy
  4. Awareness

Best Business Books

  1. Million Dollar Speaking
  2. Lost & Founder
  3. Good Strategy Bad Strategy
  4. Blitzscaling

Best Breakfasts

  1. The Daily Feast
  2. Loló

Best Podcasts

  1. Congratulations with Chris D’Elia
  2. My Brother, My Brother and Me
  3. Adam Buxton Podcast
  4. Jake & Jonathan

Best Movies

  1. Mad Max: Fury Road
  2. Thor Ragnorok
  3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  4. Crazy Rich Asians

Best TV Shows

  1. Stranger Things 3
  2. Walking Dead
  3. Chernobyl
  4. Fear the Walking Dead

Best Video Games

  1. Super Mario Maker 2
  2. Untitled Goose Game
  3. Overcooked
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
  5. Baba Is You
  6. Control
  7. Death Stranding

The Usual Stuff

  1. Jake’s newsletter
  2. Jonathan’s Instagram
  3. Book: Sprint by Jake Knapp
  4. Book: Make Time by Jake Knapp
  5. AJ&Smart + Jake Knapp Official Design Sprint Masterclass: ajsmart.com/masterclass 🥇😯

Jake & Jonathan: